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Gentle Nourish Yoga

with Martha Schofield

1 h
10 British pounds
Charles Darwin Road

Service Description

A New Weekly Yoga Class Gentle Nourish Yoga with Martha Thursday 1:30-2:30pm Our yoga practice doesn’t ask us to be the most flexible, steady and balanced, or to always be at our strongest or happiest. It simply asks that we show up… As we are… To just be. To move, to rest, to breathe. Stepping onto our mats gives us the time and space to practice what it is to be connected to ourselves; unite the body, mind and soul so that we can carry this with us out into the world. Join Martha for a gentle yoga practice that gives you permission to calm your mind, move your body and be present with your breath. With so many benefits to yoga, trust that your reason for attending and your timing for being here is right for you. Whether it’s purely for exercise, carving out time for yourself, deepening a spiritual connection or exploring new ways of accessing inner peace. I invite you to come as you are, let go of the judgment, and trust your journey. This class is suitable for all levels, including beginners. Classes are led with options to challenge yourself and options to rest; you’ll be invited to take exactly what you require in that moment.

Upcoming Sessions

Cancellation Policy

To cancel or reschedule class bookings please contact us at least 48 hours before the class is due to start. To cancel or reschedule courses or workshops we require 10 days notice prior to the event/course. Thank you for your support & understanding 🙏

Contact Details

  • 2 Charles Darwin Road, Plymouth, UK

    + 44 7846 794567 or +44 79199 20345

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