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Movement & Meditation

With Carly Seller

1 h
12 British pounds
Charles Darwin Road

Service Description

2nd Wednesday of the month 8.00 - 9.00pm Join Carly for a new embodied and spiritual weaving of movement and meditation. A class of two halves, we begin with a Body Temple Dance practice; a free-form, emotional, and energetic movement practice with roots in Tantra, trauma healing, and somatic education. Influenced by yoga, we move through three phases of unwinding, shaking & embracing, and surrender. We’ll explore sensation to bring you into deeper connection with the wisdom of your body. Carly will then guide a meditation in the Maha Yoga tradition to awaken your divine nature within. Together, these practices aim to help us get free of the stories and patterns that hold us back, bring us into deeper presence, and experience more aliveness in life. No experience required, just wear comfortable clothes you can move freely in, and bring your curiosity. Please email if you have any questions.

Upcoming Sessions

Cancellation Policy

To cancel or reschedule class bookings please contact us at least 48 hours before the class is due to start. To cancel or reschedule courses or workshops we require 10 days notice prior to the event/course. Thank you for your support & understanding 🙏

Contact Details

  • 2 Charles Darwin Road, Plymouth, UK

    + 44 7846 794567 or +44 79199 20345

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