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Yin & Nidra - LIVE ONLINE

with Louise Handy

16 British pounds
Charles Darwin Road

Service Description

Yin & Nidra - Deep Exploration of Body & Mind Sunday 15th Sept 4:30-6:30pm A doubly-delightful Wellness Workshop, this combination of two sessions will take participants on a blissful journey through some deeply releasing Yin yoga poses and on to a relaxing and rejuvenating Yoga Nidra ("sleep of the yogis"). Drawing on the current seasonal energies we will explore both physical and mental expansion and release. The yin part of the session involve longer held physical poses with plenty of use of props and personally tailored options, with restorative poses and gentle movement between the longer held poses. This provides an overall experience of calm, cool yin energy (rather than heat-generating, faster moving yang energy), allowing the fascia (connective tissues wrapping our organs and muscles) to release. The nidra part of the session is not a physical practice; participants will find a comfortable place to rest - again props are always encouraged to help you find stillness - then we allow the body to completely rest while the mind follows the nidra technique into an effortless state of complete "non-doing".  The two practices together encourage a deep exploration of not only the body, with deep release found in the stretches, but also a deep exploration of where the mind goes, when left to its own devices or when led through the layers of consciousness to a state of bliss...... No previous yoga or yoga nidra experience needed. All are welcome. Props are really helpful if you are joining online at home - bolster (or big cushions), blankets and blocks for the yin, and layers to keep warm in the nidra.

Upcoming Sessions

Cancellation Policy

To cancel or reschedule class bookings please contact us at least 48 hours before the class is due to start. To cancel or reschedule courses or workshops we require 10 days notice prior to the event/course. Thank you for your support & understanding 🙏

Contact Details

  • 2 Charles Darwin Road, Plymouth, UK

    + 44 7846 794567 or +44 79199 20345

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